Ashlee Glazer

Ashlee is a frequent traveler to many countries as an ambassador of the world to Smith Cult. She also taught training to the salon partners, and organized events for Marie Claire London. Ashlee continues to be in awe of her experiences. Ashlee Glazer has been my beauty partner since I remember. We have worked in various areas of the industry all the way from counters to the red carpet. The brides of celebrities and my faithful clientele are always in motion and are a source of constant motivation. That allows me to bring suggestions and ideas to the forefront in my capacity as a life and beauty expert. My preferred method of winding down is spending some time outdoors and having a large meal with my family and friends. My aim is to bring together my resources and community to create a place for me to be entertaining, instructing and contribute back to the community through my art. Ashlee Glazer is a makeup expert on TV and an acclaimed makeup artist inspires clients by empowering them to be themselves and increase their self-confidence. She encourages women to be comfortable and confident in taking on the world through her work. Kyle Glazer is my sister. She was born May 12th, 2012. her parents have been Harry Glazer and Jennifer Glazer. I was drawn to Goshen because I immediately felt at home when I arrived on the campus. I was attracted to the environment on campus and interactions between the teams. A coach named P. Ryan helped me make my decision. The most memorable athletic moment for the watcher was when he won the national and state title.

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